The Pros and Cons of Knee Replacement

The knee joint is one of the most important in the body, but most people don’t give it a second thought until it begins to break down. There are a number of reasons it may do so, including a torn meniscus, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and age. In the not-too-distant past you’d have to live with the often excruciating pain of bone rubbing on bone. Today, thankfully, you have the option of having your knee joint repaired or replaced. Below we’re going to examine the pros and cons of knee replacement.

A Quick Look at the Pros and Cons of Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery can provide a long term solution to this once vexing problem. But it’s not a solution without risks or possible downsides. Here are some pros and cons.

Knee Replacement Pros

– Immediate relief from chronic and debilitating knee pain.
– Relatively short recovery period.
– Full range of motion is regained.
– Renewed ability to perform routine tasks.
– Renewed ability to exercise and thereby enhance overall health.

One of the most important pros of knee replacement and of regaining pain-free, full range of motion is the ability to begin exercising once again. Often, when people suffer from debilitating knee pain they become sedentary. This has an enervating effect on their overall wellbeing. Being able to exercise once more can remedy a host of ills.

Knee Replacement Cons

– Swelling of the knee may not abate for 2 to 3 months after surgery.
– Scarring across the front of the knee.
– Numbness on the surface of the knee.
– May affect natural walking motion.
– Possible need to replace after 10 – 15 years.

Not all of the cons of knee replacement will be experienced by everyone who has successful knee replacement surgery. Some may regain perfect motion in the gait and no numbness of the skin. Others may experience numbness, but the swelling in their knee may go down after 1 or 2 weeks. The cons of knee replacement then will be different for each person.

How You Can Make Recovery Easier

There are certain steps you can take to ensure the process of recovery from knee replacement is as straightforward and hassle free as possible.

– Physiotherapy – Regular physiotherapy will allow you to regain flexibility and strength quicker.
– Losing Weight – There are few things that will benefit you more in your postoperative life then taking steps to lose excess weight.
– Wear compression hose – Compression hose help prevent swelling in the lower legs that can lead to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and blood clots.
– Stay in touch with your doctor – Don’t wait to contact your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing anything unusual.

Total knee replacement is the kind of procedure that can literally give you your life back. Your life will go from one of pain and inactivity to one of restored health and freedom of movement. To learn more about the pros and cons of knee replacement or to discuss knee replacement alternatives contact Orthopaedic Riga at 0207 993 8535.